Friday, May 13, 2011

excursion into the wild to harvest the best elderflowers

Once the elderflowers bloom, go out and find a place far from traffic to pick about 20 heads of elderflowers. (You know, the eldertree is magic! Besides protection it also gives beauty and love..)

Picking during daytime is ok, it's not necessary to wait for moonlight.

Now the most important step: the extraction and conservation of the magical essence.

Put the heads into 2l of boiled water, add 50g of citric acid and 3 finely sliced lemons. Let it rest for one day and one night.

Once the essence of the elderflowers has merged with the liquid, strain it into a pot and add 2 kg of sugar. Heat and dissolve. Then strain the syrup into clean bottles.

You can store it in the fridge until Christmas - or enjoy it right now. It's amazing with water, champagne or gin.

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