Friday, March 09, 2012

time to start off with a little spring detox

Begin the day with a detox tea of your choice and some oatmeal for breakfast. Soaked in rice milk. Or soy milk. Or fruit juice.

Don't forget sports: I try to swing the hula hoop for 10 minutes at least and force myself to practise yoga on a daily basis. My daughter warmly recommended me to join the fitocracy website for better motivation.

My today's lunch:  roasted fennel, leek and bell pepper, half a glass of "siciliana" tomato sauce with sweet potato/buckwheat noodles

In case you have to shop at Ikea don't buy yourself a HotDog for hungry you might be (I  did #¶¢ƒ…#??¿). Better snack some roasted seeds instead (if you have them at hand, haha!)

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