Sunday, February 03, 2013

long cooked, spicy vegetable broth with hijiki and red cabbage

When my body badly needs warmth and energy a proven remedy is to drink a cup of long cooked vegetable broth. I fill the steamer basket of my asparagus pot with all kind of vegetable I can find in my fridge, cover it with water and let it simmer. And simmer. And continue simmering for three hours on very low heat.
This is, admittedly, not the fastest way to beat the cold, but once prepared I store the broth in the fridge and use it for several days.

The ingredients:
2 leeks (only the green parts)
some pieces of celery
2 fresh tomatoes, quartered
1 sundried tomato
1 orange bell pepper, cut in pieces
a small piece of fresh ginger
a small piece of hot pepper
a quarter of a red cabbage
a few hijiki weeds
1 tbs instant vegetable broth
soy sauce to taste

Once cooked, discard the vegetable. All the precious energy has passed into the broth.
Serve the broth steaming hot and enjoy its amazing colour!